aiyana lee calderon

Princess Aiyana

Thursday, January 31, 2008

too big for her bath...

first sponge bath when she was just a few days old

15 weeks later

here's a little peek back -- how teeny our baby was at 3 weeks when she had her first tub bath!

and now today... there's hardly room left for the water!

aiyana waits in her bumbo seat while her bath is made ready...
she gets so excited in anticipation.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

sitting pretty

look hands! baby girl is sitting up all by herself...though she's quite wobbly, the cloth diaper does give her a good base to balance on.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

ballet slipper pink

mommy loves this dress! not only is it cozy, beautiful (and the most perfect shade of pink)... but it also has magical sleep-inducing powers. aiyana (who has been on a nap-strike this week), decided that today was the day to catch up on her zzz's. i do miss her while she's snoozing the day away, but she's so much happier when she's rested!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

look what i can do!

standing is aiyana's recent activity of choice. she grips my fingers, pulls herself up, and wiggles until she's ready to plop back down. she's extremely proud of herself. usually, she doesn't want to sit back down and getting her off her feet takes a little convincing.

she's also modeling her cloth diapers. we've been on that adventure for a week now and there's no turning back. she has a happy heiny.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


are for eating.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

3 months and still growing

aiyana's growth report (drumroll please) 14.47lbs

no other stats to report since this wasn't a typical well-baby visit. this was actually her first not-so-well visit. we suspected that something was hurting her, so we went in, and it appears that she may have GERD. baby heartburn. so, after a few days of medicine, she appears to be a bit better.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

the princess of Bridges

aiyana is quite aware that if our church, Bridges, had a princess, she would wear the crown. our little girl has many loving fans to snuggle her and talk with her every sunday. they did inform us that we are not to take her away for 2 weeks again. it was more than they could handle.

aiyana was alert and "participated" in her nursery class (with mommy as teacher) she was a little exhausted. an extended family nap followed.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

look what i can do!

aiyana must get this talent from her mommy. apparently, most people can either flip or roll their tongues. i'm sure she'll be able to do both. she's already showing us how advanced she is. go ahead, try this at home.

Friday, January 04, 2008

looks good. tastes good, too.

during her llth week, aiyana began tasting her world. while her fists (and mommy) are still her favorite chewy, she's now pulling everything else into her mouth. if she captures it in her hand, it in goes in her mouth.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Aiyana's Trip Across the Border

aiyana is now an international traveler. she enjoyed her 1st trip to el mercado (the market) in Mexico.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Aiyana's New Years 2008

Big A, little a

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About Me

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i get to laugh, play, sing, and be silly with children...and i call it a job!