i heard a nasty rumor that babies get their shots at their 2 month well-baby visit. sadly, the rumor was true. aiyana has been in great spirits at every doctor's visit, as she was today, until the shots. i had to stand beside her and hold her hands while she looked at me. i think i started crying even before her shots began.
in shock, those big, beautiful eyes grew even bigger, her lower lip pouted, quivered, and then she cried. all in slow motion. it was terrible. we don't see our baby cry very often, and rarely have seen her in pain, so this was too much for mommy to bear. i'm sure i cried longer and harder than aiyana did. she was asleep before we got to the mall.
aiyana's growth report: 12.38 lbs, 24 inches (that's 2 whole feet!)

dr. kouri says...her head is shaping beautifully, and is impressed by her strong neck (aiyana does have beautiful posture)....she will easily be able to begin solids at 4 months since she's so strong already (but we'll probably wait longer unless she's really interested)...she is going to be tall!

aiyana had her first dose of tylenol before her shots, and then throughout the next 24 hours. she was a little fussy...she would wake up to scream in pain, and then go back to sleep. it was all so sad. she got extra snuggles and all the "eats" she could handle. we kept her quite comfortable.

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