aiyana lee calderon

Princess Aiyana

Saturday, April 12, 2008

happy 1/2 birthday, baby girl!

"doll baby"

6 months old! can you believe it? these pictures were taken on wednesday -- her last days as a 5-month old.

they won't miss just one flower...

this sweet dress is from aiyana's grandma. did she know that we would happen upon a cherry blossom tree on a beautiful day while her grandbaby was wearing her cherry blossom dress? she probably knew. grandmas are moms, too. so they know everything.

love that lower lip.
aiyana's daddy has the same pout when he's playing guitar. it must help them focus.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

She is so precious! I was just remembering you being 6 months pregnant the other day. You were back in Raleigh visiting and I got to see your baby belly for the first time at Crabtree Mall. I can't believe you have a six month old now! Time goes quickly! Snuggle that beautiful baby for me!

Big A, little a

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i get to laugh, play, sing, and be silly with children...and i call it a job!