aiyana lee calderon

Princess Aiyana

Saturday, April 05, 2008

squash surprise

aiyana tasted yummy yummy homemade butternut squash! she seemed to enjoy it. mommy baked squash (and sweet potatoes for later) and froze the veggies in ice cube trays. it was pretty easy and now she'll have orange veggies for many many meals. no worries -- we'll prepare a green veggie for her next veggie taste. i tasted the squash and it was yummy. i don't know if i'll say the same about the pureed spinach...


emily said...

Doesn't she get like, chocolate pudding or something?? That's much tastier than icky squash and spinach...

emily said...

Eden and I were browsing through the pictures, and both of our responses to these few went something like this: "eww gross, why does she have to eat icky squash!?" If her auntie em were around... it would be chocolate ice cream and those cheetos she had her eye on. : )

Big A, little a

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i get to laugh, play, sing, and be silly with children...and i call it a job!