aiyana lee calderon

Princess Aiyana

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

tastebuds in training

aiyana ala avocado

"i will not suffer fish breath again! "

aiyana has expanded her menu with green beans, mango, and steel cut oats. (not all together, of course). she likes them all. she's especially fond of the oats (and who doesn't love mango). these two mixed well together for a yummy breakfast. this was the first morning baby and mommy shared the exact same breakfast. mommy's milk was skim, however.

maybe she's hungrier, or maybe she really does prefer full "people" food, rather than the dehydrated baby cereals. either way, she's learning to like the good stuff. though when she discovers chocolate she might wonder why mommy has been holding out on her. we see her eying our cheesecake...
and no, auntie em, chocolate pudding is not in the near future.

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i get to laugh, play, sing, and be silly with children...and i call it a job!