quickly becoming "miss independent", aiyana enjoys playing in her room for a few minutes while mommy throws in a load of laundry. of course i check on her every minute, but she usually doesn't see me peeking. when she does catch me spying on her, she usually gives a great big grin to show me what she's been up to. this playtime will have to be contained once baby girl figures out the crawling thing, but for now, she can't scoot herself into too much trouble.
on this day, she discovered that she could tip the baskets that contained books (mommy's) and toys (aiyana's). she chose mommy's book basket and looked over the baby name book. (see it in her lap?) i was a little concerned but then saw that she found what she was after. one of her little blocks had tumbled into the wrong basket and she fished it out. she forgot all about the books and shook her block for me to see. it was so sweet. she was proud of her accomplishment.
i forsee a trip to Target for more soft-sided baskets.
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