do not adjust the volume. (there is no sound.) but the cuteness speaks for itself...thankfully aiyana is using her signs in this video so there is really no need for sound.
aiyana loves cruising up and down the hallway on her yellow schoolbus. she quickly learned to grip the handlebars and pick up her feet so she can be pushed back and forth...and back and forth. she signs MORE as she figures out the buttons and PLEASE because she knows this is the most irresistable sign of all. aiyana is 12 months and 2 days in this video, and she is practically using a sentence! Harvard here we come! Or maybe Butler. Thanks, auntie em, for the college sweatshirt! It's super cute!
My niece is amazing!!! That is so wonderful!
I think about you guys all the time... but especially on Mondays and Wednesday. We were talking about language acquisition and ASL and I talked about you guys all the time. They think it's pretty aweseome too. I think you should just come visit. They have show and tell in college, right??
Love you guys!!
Aiyana, you are indeed a baby genius. What an amazing bit of communication! Vanessa, you must teach me to sign with Aidan. I cannot believe Aiyana. Incredible!
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