here, i'm beginning a brief photo synopsis of the past 13 days....
since we haven't posted lately. ooops.
Nov 3
our favorite book, GIRAFFES CAN'T DANCE
she looks for the monkeys and "reads" (signs MONKEY)

one month feet and one year feet....what will we do when we move? anyone know how to relocate drywall?
since we haven't posted lately. ooops.
Nov 3
our favorite book, GIRAFFES CAN'T DANCE
she looks for the monkeys and "reads" (signs MONKEY)
one month feet and one year feet....what will we do when we move? anyone know how to relocate drywall?
our church gave this cute board book to the babies when we dedicated them on Nov 9
Sunday, Nov 16
aiyana adopted the "BALL" sign for pumpkins. she just loves them and always asks to hold them. this seems to be our yard of choice for photo ops. our friends don't mind :) missy even put a plastic bag under aiyana's tushy so she wouldn't get wet from the leaves. what a mom.
Saturday, Nov 15
...after we were finished, she crawled back onto the platform and cheesed some more for the camera (and her audience)
doin' a little dance

nani's new trick -- she climbs in and out of the Bumbo (safely at last).
at first her right knee was always getting stuck under her bum, but now she gets in and gets comfy.
while i wait for the photos to is what is new in aiyana's signing vocab...she is amazing! i teach this signing stuff, and i have never known a baby to acquire words as rapidly as she has been! it's so much fun to "talk" with her.
music, monkey, tree, hot (says "ha", too), cold, thank-you (vocalizes the pitch), help, baby, down, water, bread, drink, mommy, daddy (which she shows us A LOT!), snack (also popular)
her "old" signs: milk, more, please, all done, up, kitty, puppy, bird
sentences are more common now, too. she puts 2 or 3 words together daily. i'm sure i've forgotten some, and since she is such a wiz-kid, i'm sure she has some signs up her sleeve ready to throw at her unsuspecting parents.
oh, by the way, we're buying a potty-seat this week. more on that to come.
i was talking to mom the other day and she and shelly made fun of me because apparently i was signing as i was talking.
they just didn't understand.
i can't wait to have someone who speaks my language around!
love you guys!
I don't think we were making fun of her. We were just giving her signs too...
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