aiyana lee calderon

Princess Aiyana

Saturday, January 31, 2009

i L O V E this place!

such a happy girl!
we might just have to MOVE to the park!

not sure how she feels about landing in the mulch

not a fan of the swings today...
she signs and says DOWN

after several days of not so nice weather, 45ish was warm enough to head out to the park! aiyana enjoyed her first trip down the slide.
she even threw her very first "i-don't-want-to-leave-the-park-and-you-can't-make-me!" tantrum. when i tried to carry her to the car, she did her classic dislocated shoulder routine where she turns her body limp, rotates her shoulders, and manages to wiggle to the ground. each time i put her on the ground, she quickly turned around and RAN back to the park.

so, when mommy thinks this hilarious and laughs and laughs and laughs....what kind of reinforcement does the tantrum thrower receive?
(no need to respond)

this is aiyana's "concerned" face (notice the furrowed brow)

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i get to laugh, play, sing, and be silly with children...and i call it a job!