aiyana lee calderon

Princess Aiyana

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Through the eyes of my daughter I experience for the first time what I'm sure I've experienced before. The sun in my eyes and the warm breeze on my face. I see her peacefully taking a deep breath as she waits for the next breeze to take her breath away. I contemplate the taste of the wind. Aiyana isn't just satisfied with the feel of the wind. She sticks out her tongue to taste it.

Aiyana is captivated by a single tree. Not just any tree. She is particularly taken aback by one tree in the park. So deep in thought is she that we stop until she has finished.


Mandy Farris said...

Isn't God good. It is amazing the miracle we get to help make. Ours is here now too. Aiyanna is beautiful. I hope you guys are enjoying NC. I miss it so much, especially days like days when we have snow and sleet. Yuck.
Congrats on your beautiful baby. Check out my blog sometime too.

Jennisa said...

Hey! Welcome to bloggie world! Your daughter is ADORABLE! Isn't motherhood the best? You'll have to check out my blog too!!

Big A, little a

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i get to laugh, play, sing, and be silly with children...and i call it a job!